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《I/m more outgoing than my sister》PPT课件12


《I/m more outgoing than my sister》PPT课件12 详细介绍:

《I\m more outgoing than my sister》PPT课件12《I\m more outgoing than my sister》PPT课件12

《I'm more outgoing than my sister》PPT课件12

Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins. 

A: That’s Tara, isn’t it?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 


I am happier, I am healthier.

I can be taller, I will be stronger.

My house is bigger, my room is cleaner.

My friends are funnier, my grades are better.

My school is more beautiful, 

my city is more comfortable(舒适的).

We are happier, our life is better.

... ... ...

Role-play the conversation.

Julie: Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna?

Anna: Oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well! 

Julie: Yes, but I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.

Anna: Oh, which is Lisa?

Julie: The one with shorter hair. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly.

Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa. Did you do anything special last month?

Julie: But you can tell that Lisa practiced a lot more and really wanted to win. 

Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn something and have fun.

... ... ...

Fill in the blanks with proper forms.

1.Tina is ______ (calm) than Jill. 

2.His nose is ______ (big) than  hers.

3.This bag is _______ (large) than that one.

4.My father is _____ (busy) than my mother.

5.Kate is ____________ (outgoing) than Lily .

New words: outgoing, twin, calm, wild

比较级句型结构: 主语+谓语+adj. 比较级+ than+ 对比成分.


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