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《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件4


《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件4 详细介绍:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件4《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件4

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件4

Fill in the blanks with the right words. 

Ms. Steen is a fun teacher. She’s going back to the US soon. So, all the students are very ____.

To show how much they’re going to ____ her, David wants to have a _______ ____ for her next Friday the 28th. He needs some students to help him ________ the party. 

He Wei really likes Ms. Steen a lot because she helped her to ________ her English so much. She can help buy food and _______. She can also help to ______ Ms. Steen to the party ________ telling her. Jake would love to come to the party. But he’s not _________, because his family is _______ a trip to Wuhan at the _____ of this month to visit his aunt and uncle. However, he’s still be _______ to help out with any of the party ___________. All the students are looking ________ to this great party.      

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1. Larry Smith;  由邀请信的结尾处的署名可知是“Larry Smith, Headmaster” 。

2. It’s for the opening of the new library at No. 9 High School.  由邀请信的第一句可知。

3. It will be on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. 由邀请信的第二句可知。

4. They can enjoy the school concert. 由邀请信的第三句可知。

... ... ...

Fill in the blanks in the conversation. 

A: Hi, Peter. 1.____ you come to my party 

2. _____ the weekend?

B: Sure, 3.______ love to. 

A: How about 4. ______, Jenny?

C: I’m afraid I 5. _____. I 6. ______ to look after my little cousin.

A: 7._____ you come, Jeff?

D: I 8.______ be able to, but I’m not sure.  

9. _____ let you know tomorrow. 

... ... ...

Possible answers:

1. I’m afraid I can’t. I have to prepare for the math exam.

2. Sorry, I can’t. I have to look after my sister at home.

3. I’d love to. But I’m not available. I’ll visit my grandparents with my family.

4. I’m afraid not. I have to go to the dentist. 

5. Sorry, I can’t. I have to practice violin.


1. I’m very busy, I can’t go to the ________ (落成典礼) of the new library.

2. I get his _________ (邀请) but I can’t go.

3. I have too ______ (多) homework to do.

4. Mr. King sometimes goes to the_______ (音乐会).

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