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《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件8


《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件8 详细介绍:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件8《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件8《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件8

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件8

Studying Aims

Learn 10 important phrases.

Can for invitation.

Use modal verb. have to 

Be+V-ing shows action or plan in the future

Complete these sentences

1.I have to study     A. a piano lesson at 3:00.

2.You should           B. my aunt. 

3.I have                   C. go to the doctor.

4. I should help        D. for a test.

5. I have to visit        E. my parents.                 

... ... ...


-- Can you come to my party?

-- I’m sorry I can’t. I _________________.

1. have to go to my guitar lesson 

2. have to go to play soccer 

3. have too much homework 

4. have to go to the doctor 

5. have to study for a test 

6. have a piano lesson 

7. have to go to my cousin’s birthday party

8. am not feeling well

... ... ...

1. 不能独立作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气和情态。

2. 没有人称和数的变化。 (have to除外)

3. 否定形式:在其之后加not (have to除外)。

疑问形式:情态动词提到主语之前(have to 除外)。

can为情态动词, 在本单元中表示请求, 用于发出邀请,后跟动词原形。当同意接受对方的邀请时, 常用Sure, I’d love to. / 

Certainly. /Of course.等来回答;若不接受, 常用Sorry等来有礼貌地拒绝, 一般情况下需要说明不能接受邀请的原因以表示歉意。

... ... ...


Thank you for______(ask/ asking), but I can’t go to the movies with you.

Paul has to study______(at/ for) the math test tonight.

My sister has too______(much/ many) homework to do.

4. Can you come to my party______(at/ on) Saturday night?

5. She invites me______(watch/ to watch) the basketball match the day after tomorrow.

6. I like playing______(piano/ the piano).

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