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《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件13


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《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件13《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件13

《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件13

In what other way do you study English?

by enjoying English songs.

by taking part in English classes.

by surfing the Internet.

by doing grammar exercises.

by taking notes carefully.

by finishing my homework seriously.

... ... ...

Free talk

Learning English is very important. 

But also it’s difficult. 

What things are difficult for you in learning English?

I can’t remember the new words.

Language points

1. mistake vt. 弄错, 误解

I mistook the number and went to the wrong room. 我记错号码, 走错了房间。 

n. 错误; 过失

Tom didn’t make a single spelling mistake in his composition. 汤姆在这篇作文里一个字也没拼错。

make mistakes  犯错;出错

I make mistakes in grammar. 


make mistakes或make a mistake意为“犯错;出错”,其后常接in引起的介词短语,表示在某一方面出错。

by mistake  由于差错,错误地 

I took your bag instead of mine by mistake.


mistake ... for ...   错把……当成……

I mistook the house for a hotel.


... ... ...

Learning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you? Read the list. Check (✔) the statements that are true for you.

I can’t pronounce some of the words.

I can’t understand spoken English.

I don’t know how to increase my reading speed.

I can’t spell some English words.

I often make mistakes in grammar.

What other things are difficult for you? 

Make a list. (1b)

don’t know enough words to write well.

can’t get the pronunciation right.

be afraid that people might laugh at me.

can’t always make complete sentences.

forget a lot of new words.

can’t understand when people speak too quickly.

don’t get much writing practice.

can’t understand the words in magazines.

... ... ...

Ask your partners their problems in learning English . Then give your advice.

You can use these to give your advice:

1. You should read English aloud.

2. Listening can help you.

3. Why don’t you join an English language club to practice speaking.

4. Would you mind remembering new words by flashcards?

5. Please try to talk with your friends in English as much as possible.

... ... ...


1. spoken English  英语口语 

2. 犯错;出错    make mistakes 

3. get the pronunciation right   正确地发音 

4. 参加一个英语俱乐部    join an English club 

5. 练习说英语   practice speaking English 


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