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《I think that mooncakes are delicious!》PPT课件2


《I think that mooncakes are delicious!》PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《I think that mooncakes are delicious!》PPT课件2《I think that mooncakes are delicious!》PPT课件2

《I think that mooncakes are delicious!》PPT课件2

Read the passage about Mid-Autumn

Festival and answer the questions.

1. How do people celebrate the Middle-Autumn Festival?

They admire the moon and share mooncakes with their families. 

2. What story is the reading about?

It is about Chang’e. 

Read the passage again. Put the events in the correct order.

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___ Pang Meng tried to steal the medicine.

___ A goddess thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine.

___ Chang’e refused to give Pang Meng the medicine and drank it all.

  1  Hou Yi shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth.

___ Hou Yi was very sad and watched the moon at night, and wished his wife could come back.

___ As a result, Chang’e became light and flew up to the sky.

___ Hou Yi planned to drink the medicine with his wife.

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Without looking at the passage, try to complete the sentences with the correct words.

1. People like to a_____ the full moon on Mid-Autumn night.

2. The story of Chang’e is one of many t_________ folk stories.

3. Hou Yi got m____ medicine for shooting down the nine suns.

4. Pang Meng wanted to s____ the medicine.

5. Hou Yi l___ out fruits and desserts in the garden.

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1. Chinese people have been celebrating Middle-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries.

for centuries 几百年

2. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss. 

they love and miss是定语从句,修饰the families。

3. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching.

1) the story of Chang’e is the most touching是宾语从句,关联词是that。

2) 第一个most是“大多数”之意,第二个most在touching前面构成最高级。

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1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.

2. Retell the story of Chang’e.

关键词:《I think that mooncakes are delicious!》教学课件,人教版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《I think that mooncakes are delicious!》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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