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《I/ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件6


《I/ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件6 详细介绍:

《I\ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件6《I\ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件6

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件6

Spelling Bee

Now two minutes to test your spelling.

1. English-Chinese

junior, bedroom, railway, honest, while

2. Chinese-English



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Fill in the blanks.

1. — How long have you lived here?

— I’ve lived here ____ twenty years. 

2. Yes, I’ve been here _____ 1976.

3. He has just bought a new house in the city, but ever _____ he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners.

4. We haven’t seen each other ______ last week. 

5. My parents and I have been in Hong Kong ____ two days.  

6. — How long have you had that bike over there?

— I’ve had it ____ three years.

7. Jeff has had his bike ____ more than 10 years.

8. Yes, I’ve had it ____ seven years.

9. Amy has had her favorite book ____three years.

10. Amy has had the toy bear ______ she was a baby.

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Group work

Fill in the questions and ask two students. Then complete the chart. (4c)

1. Do you have a(n) ________?

How long have you had it?

2. Do you own a(n) ________?

How long have you owned it?


1. — Jim is a(n) ______ young man. 

— That's true. He always tells the truth.

A. friendly   B. shy   C. honest   D. lively

2. — Look! Some people are running the red lights.

— We should wait ______ others are breaking the rule. 

A. if                     B. unless             

C. although         D. because


1. Dad was __________ (tidy) up in the kitchen.

2. Our home has three _________ (a room used for sleeping in).

3. The cinema is __________ (不再) used. 

4. I've never ______ (have) a bike in my life.

5. We live close to the _______ (铁路) line.

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1. 她已经从厨房里清理出了许多东西。

She has already _____________________________.

2. 他的希望破灭了。

He _________ felt any hope.

3. 为了筹款,简不得不把她的车卖掉。

In order to raise money, Jane ________________.

4. 我好长时间没见到他了。

I haven't seen him __________.

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