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《I/m going to study computer science》PPT课件18


《I/m going to study computer science》PPT课件18 详细介绍:

《I\m going to study computer science》PPT课件18《I\m going to study computer science》PPT课件18《I\m going to study computer science》PPT课件18

《I'm going to study computer science》PPT课件18


(  )1.I want ________ famous, so that I can make lots of money.

A.be B.to be 

C.being   D.to being

(  )2.What _______ you _______ to do when you _______ high school?

A.do; want; finish

B.will; want; finish

C.are; going; are going to finish

D.are; going; will finish

(  )3.There _______ an important meeting after school tomorrow.

A.is going to have

B.is going to be 

C.is going to hold 

D.is going to do 

(  )4.She's going to take_______ lessons because she wants to be an singer.

A.sing    B.singing

C.dancing   D. basketball

(  )5. I'm going to be_______ engineer.

A. an   B. a   C. the   D. /

... ... ...


On the first day of school, the new teacher had a look at the name list of students. How pleased she was! Guess what she __1__? After each student’s name, there was a number __2__ 138,140,154 and so on. “__3__ these high IQ(智商)students.” she thought to herself, “They’ve given me a wonderful __4__!”

As a result, the __5__ teacher worked harder with this class than her other classes. She__6__ some new teaching ways. She thought these __7__ would cheer the students and hold their __8__ . She was right. It __9__ out well! The class did much better than any of her others.

Later, however, she found out the __10__ : the number after each name did not mean the IQ, but the number of his or her clothing box in the school.

(  )1. A. missed   B. feared

C. showed         D. found

(  )2. A.  for      B. like

C.  in               D. with

(  )3. A. Deal with   B. Talk with

C. Look at    D. Listen to

(  )4. A. class   B. number

C. school      D. name

... ... ...



1.English is a very useful f______ language.

2.—How's he going to do that?

—He's going to write articles and s____them to magazines and newspapers.

3.I like playing the violin. I want to be a v_______.

4.I am going to study at a u________after high school.

5.Let's d_____ this problem together.


6.The story sounds_________ (interest).

7.I'm going to get good _______ (grade) and be a good student.

8.  I'm going to practice _______ (play) the guitar every day. 

9.  She is going to ___________ (move) to New York next month.

10. When did you learn_______ (play) soccer?

... ... ...


A: Hello, Tom!  


B: I am going to England for my winter holiday.

A: 2.__________________?

B: By plane.

A: 3.__________________?

B: About two weeks.

A: 4.__________________?

B: I am going there with my friend, Mary.

A: When are you leaving?

B: We're leaving tomorrow.

A: I hope you will have a good holiday.

B: 5.______________.

... ... ...



1.What is your dream job?

2.Where would you like to work?

3.How are you going to work?

4.Why do you like your dream job? 

One possible version:

When I grow up, I'm going to be a journalist.I think it is interesting. Next year, I'm going to write some articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.I'm going to study hard and try my best to go to a famous university.I'm going to major in journalism.I hope to work by car as a journalist in a TV station in Beijing one day.

... ... ...


(  )1.The Greens are going _____Chicago.

A. move to        B. to move

C. to move to    D. move

(  )2. There ______ a football match between the two classes.

A. is having B. is going to have

C. is being     D. is going to be

(  )3. _____ there going to be many students in our school?

A. Is      B. Are

C. Be     D. Have

... ... ...

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