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《Welcome to Sunshine Town》Main TaskPPT


《Welcome to Sunshine Town》Main TaskPPT 详细介绍:

《Welcome to Sunshine Town》Main TaskPPT《Welcome to Sunshine Town》Main TaskPPT《Welcome to Sunshine Town》Main TaskPPT

《Welcome to Sunshine Town》Main TaskPPT

第一部分内容:A questionnaire(调查问卷):

Farewell party for our friends from Britain

1.Where  shall we have the party?

A  Sunshine Park

B  Chongqing Restaurant

C  Guangdong Restaurant

D  Mr Wu’s flat

2.When shall we have the party?

A  Saturday afternoon, 1-6 p.m.

B  Saturday evening, 6-9 p.m.

C  Sunday afternoon, 2-5 p.m.

D  Sunday evening, 6-9 p.m.

3.What shall we have for food?

A  Have a barbecue

B  Have a picnic

C  Have some fast food

D  Cook some Chinese food

4. Who shall we invite?

A  Classmates only

B  Classmates and parents

C  Classmates and teachers

D  Classmates, parents and teachers

... ... ...

《Welcome to Sunshine Town》PPT,第二部分内容:Results

1.Most students want to have the party in Sunshine Park.

2.Most students would like to have the party on Saturday afternoon, 26th April, 1-6 p.m.

3.Half of the students want to have a barbecue, half want a picnic. (Mr Wu thinks a picnic will be better.) 

4.Invite students, parents and teachers.

Read the invitation letter again

1.Who is the letter from/ to?

From Daniel. To parents, teachers and classmates.

2. Where will they meet?

At the park gate.

3.What would they like the guests to bring?

To bring their own food and drink.

4. Will they play any games? What games?

Yes, they will.  Different ball games.

5. How can the guests go to Sunshine park?

The map shows them how to get to Sunshine Park.

... ... ...

《Welcome to Sunshine Town》PPT,第三部分内容:Summing up:

How to organize an activity ?

1. Making a questionnaire(调查问卷).

2. Getting the results.

3. Drawing a map and giving directions.

4. Writing an invitation letter.

5. Making an invitation card.

... ... ...

《Welcome to Sunshine Town》PPT,第四部分内容:Write an invitation letter


We are happy to …


Time of the party

Place of the party 

What to do / eat at the party

Something else about the party

Para. 3 

We hope ….

... ... ...

《Welcome to Sunshine Town》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework

<Learn English with You> P55-57

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