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《A day out》PPT


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《A day out》PPT《A day out》PPT《A day out》PPT

《A day out》PPT

第一部分内容:Listen and answer

1. What is Eddie going to do?

He is going to exercise.

2. Is Eddie’s hill a real one? 

No, it’s a hill of food. 

Complete the conversation

Hobo:  What are you _____ to do, Eddie?

Eddie:  I’m going to ________, Hobo.

Hobo:  Are you going to ______ the hill?

Eddie:  Yes.

Hobo: That’s good. You _____ to exercise and ______ fit.

Eddie: Well, this hill isn’t as high as _____ .

Come on, Hobo. Let’s enjoy _________.

... ... ...

《A day out》PPT,第二部分内容:Language points:

1. You need to exercise and keep fit. 

1) need是实义动词,意为“需要”,后接动词不定式,随人称和时态的变化而变化。 

eg: 她需要向我道歉。 

She needs to say sorry to me. 

 2) need也可用作情态动词,后须接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。


She needn’t say sorry to me. 

3)keep fit意为“保持健康”。其中,keep意为“保持(某种状态)”,后通常可接形容词,fit在此处用作形容词,意为“健康的”。


Please keep quiet!  

2. This hill isn’t as high as a real one.


eg: 她画得和我一样好。

She draws as well as I.  

3. Let’s enjoy ourselves.

enjoy oneself 意为“过得很高兴”

eg: 昨晚他们玩得很高兴。

They enjoyed themselves last night.

... ... ...

《A day out》PPT,第三部分内容:Discussion 

Situation: You want to discuss with your friend about the places of interest. The following ideas may help you. 

1) where   2)  how wide

3)  how high  4) how long

5) what’s it made of 

6)  …


Amy:   How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?

Simon: It’s very long, about 1.7 miles.

Amy:    How wide is the bridge?

Simon: It’s 90 feet wide.

Amy:    The bridge is made of steel, isn’t it?

Simon: Yes, and it weighs over 100,000 tons.

... ... ...

《A day out》PPT,第四部分内容:Exercise

Fill in the following sentences.

1. 你需要锻炼来保持体形。

You ____  ___exercise to _____ ____.

2. 让我们玩得开心点吧!

Let’s ______  _________!

3.  我乘船旅行经过港湾大桥。

We take __  ____  ____ under the Harbour Bridge.

4. 美国总统住在白宫里。

The ________ of the USA _____ in the White House.

5.  这是一间带有漂亮花园的大房子。

This is a big house _____ a beautiful _______.

6.  我坐在塞纳河边的咖啡店里。

I sit in a coffee shop _____  _____  ______   ______.

... ... ...

《A day out》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework

1. Search more information about places of interest in the world.

2. Write about the place of interest you want to visit most. Write at least 60 words. 

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