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《Online tours》ReadingPPT


《Online tours》ReadingPPT 详细介绍:

《Online tours》ReadingPPT《Online tours》ReadingPPT《Online tours》ReadingPPT《Online tours》ReadingPPT

《Online tours》ReadingPPT



1. Daniel keeps two white _____ (mouse) as pets.

2. I ________ (receive) an email from my cousin two days ago.

3. I ________ (see) this movie before.

4. They used a knife ______ (open) the door.

5. This old man can use a computer _____ (do) word processing.

6. I don’t like watching football games. Let’s ______ (change) a channel.

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《Online tours》PPT,第二部分内容:New words

guide  n. 导游,向导

icon  n. 图标

click  v. 点击

world-famous adj. 


trade  n. 贸易

international adj. 国际的

gather  v.


huge adj. 


darkness  n. 黑暗

island  n. 岛屿

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《Online tours》PPT,第三部分内容:Skimming

Answer the questions.

Where do we visit following the guide?

New York.

How many places are mentioned(提到) in the article?


Answer the questions.

What’s the guide’s name?


How can we start out tour?

Click on the "Tour" icon at the top of the page.

How long will it take us to travel around the world?

In eight hours.

Where are we going to visit?

New York, the biggest city in the USA.

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《Online tours》PPT,第四部分内容:While travelling

1. What places of interest are mentioned in this article?

Wall Street, Times Square, Central Park and Broadway.

2. Where is the Wall Street?

It is at the southern end of Manhattan Island.

3. What can we see in Wall Street? Why?

We can see many big companies and international banks. Because it is the world-famous trade centre.

4. What will happen in Times Square on New Year’s Eve?

Thousands of people gather there and they feel excited when they see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness.

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《Online tours》PPT,第五部分内容:Post travelling

Answer the question:

How can we start out new tour?

Click on the“Back”icon at the bottom of the page.

Daniel is introducing the website to Millie. Millie is trying to find out what people can see in New York. Help her fill in the blanks below.

Amy is also interested in travelling around the world. She is telling her mum about the website. Check whatever she says is correct or not. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.

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《Online tours》PPT,第六部分内容:填空

Kitty: Daniel, what's the website called?

Daniel: It’s called“(1) ____________________________”.

K: It gives people (2) _____ tours, right?

D: Yes. It can show you cities in (3) ____, Africa, (4) ______, America  and other places.

K: Can we find more information about a city?

D: Of course. Look, here’s New York, and here’s Wall Street.

K: I see. Wall Street is on Manhattan Island. There are many big (5)_________ and (6) ____________ there.

D: Yes, and Times Square is another great place to visit. Every year, many people gather there to welcome the (7) ______.

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《Online tours》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework

1.Read aloud the article and underline the difficult parts.

2.Remember the new words in this lesson.  

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