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《There is a study next to my bedroom》SectionA PPT


《There is a study next to my bedroom》SectionA PPT 详细介绍:

《There is a study next to my bedroom》SectionA PPT《There is a study next to my bedroom》SectionA PPT《There is a study next to my bedroom》SectionA PPT

《There is a study next to my bedroom》SectionA PPT


What’s he doing?

He is working on the computer.

Where is he working?


What’s he doing?

He is sleeping.

Where is he sleeping?


What’s the girl doing?

She is dancing.

Where is she dancing?


... ... ...

《There is a study next to my bedroom》PPT,第二部分内容:Look, listen and match .

A. bedroom

B. study

C. kitchen

D. dining room

E. living room

F. garden

G. bathroom

Work in pairs. Describe the picture in 2a with the following structures.

This is a nice home. There is/are ... on the first/second floor ...

bedroom   living room    

garden   bathroom   study  

dining room   kitchen

... ... ...

《There is a study next to my bedroom》PPT,第三部分内容:Listen to 1a and choose the correct answer.

Jane and Maria are talking about Jane's _______.

A. new study     B. new home    C. beautiful garden

Read 1a and fill in the blanks.

This is Jane's home. There ______ a beautiful garden. Her bedroom is  _______ the second floor. A study is _______ _______ her bedroom. In her study, there _______ a sofa, a desk, some books and so on.

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《There is a study next to my bedroom》PPT,第四部分内容:Listen and choose the correct answers.

1. Miss Li kisses the _________.

(A. child     B. mild)

2. Her mother is very ________.

(A. blind     B. kind)

3. He can't find the night ______ in the dark.

(A. light   B. fight)

4. The _______ (A. king  B. wing) likes to ________ (A. sing   B. ring) in autumn.

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《There is a study next to my bedroom》PPT,第五部分内容:Summary

There be 句型 :  某处有某人或某物

There be +名词 +某处(介词短语)

is  可数名词单数或不可数名词

are  可数名词复数


Fill in the blanks with "is/are".      

1. There ______  a pen in my hand.

2. There ______ some juice in the glass.

3. ____ there a study on the second floor?

4. There _____ some books on the shelf.

5. There _____ 51 students in our class.

... ... ...

《There is a study next to my bedroom》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework

Describe the things in your bedroom or study, using “There is/are...”.

Preview Section B.

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