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《Everyone had a good time》SectionB PPT


《Everyone had a good time》SectionB PPT 详细介绍:

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《Everyone had a good time》SectionB PPT

第一部分内容:Ask and answer.

What did Tom do at Kangkang's party?

He performed magic tricks.

Did he perform magic tricks?

Yes, he did. 

Did he recite a poem?

No, he didn't. But Helen did.

What did Sally do at Kangkang's party?

She danced.

Did she perform magic tricks?

No, she didn't. But Tom did.

Did she recite a poem?

No, she didn't. But Helen did.

... ... ...

《Everyone had a good time》PPT,第二部分内容:Listen and answer.

(1)Who missed the chair?


(2)Did he fall down?

Yes, he did.

(3)Did he hurt himself ?

No, he didn’t.

... ... ...

《Everyone had a good time》PPT,第三部分内容:Listen and complete the conversation.

F:  What time ____(did/do) you come home last night, Judy?

J:  Er, at about half past ten, I think.

F:  Half past ten? I'm afraid it ______(is/was) too late.

J:  I_______(went/go) to Kangkang's birthday party with my friends.

F:  Oh, _______(do/did) you have a good time? 

J:  Yes. It_______(was/is) a great party, so we all______(forget/forgot) the time.

F:  I'm glad you ______(had/have) a great time. But don't be so late next time.

J:  I'm sorry, Dad. I won't do that again.

... ... ...

《Everyone had a good time》PPT,第四部分内容:Summary

1. fall down, hurt oneself,

at once=right away, come back, next time.

2.Master the sentences about expressing care.

(1)what's the matter(with...)?=What's wrong (with...)?

(2)Did you hurt yourself?

(3)Did you have a good time?

(4)I'm glad you had a great time.But don't be so late next time.

3.Learn the past simple tense.

I missed the chair and fell down.

I didn't hurt myself.

Judy didn't watch TV at home.

4.Learn some past forms of irregular verbs.

fall—fell,   hurt—hurt,  go—went,   have—had,

forget—forgot,  get—got,  tell—told,   come—came.

... ... ...

《Everyone had a good time》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework

1. Read and retell the dialogs 1a and 2a in this section. 

2.Remember the past forms of  irregular verbs in this section.

3.Finish Section C in your workbook. 

关键词:仁爱版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Everyone had a good time》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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