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《You should see a dentist》SectionA PPT


《You should see a dentist》SectionA PPT 详细介绍:

《You should see a dentist》SectionA PPT《You should see a dentist》SectionA PPT《You should see a dentist》SectionA PPT《You should see a dentist》SectionA PPT

《You should see a dentist》SectionA PPT


What’s wrong with you?

I have a backache.

She has a cold.

She has a fever.

She has a headache.

He has a toothache.

He has a cough.

... ... ...

《You should see a dentist》PPT,第二部分内容:Listen, look and say.

Betty:Hello, Kangkang! You don’t look well. What’s wrong with you? 

Kangkang:I have a toothache.

Betty:I’m sorry to hear that. You should see a dentist.

Kangkang:I think I will.

Betty:I hope you’ll get well soon.

Kangkang:Thank you.

Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers.

1. Kangkang has a ______.

A backache    B headache     C toothache

2. Betty suggests that Kangkang should see a ___.

A  doctor     B dentist      C nurse

3. Betty hopes Kangkang will ______ well soon.

A go     B get      C make

... ... ...

《You should see a dentist》PPT,第三部分内容:Pair work

Make conversations with your partner after the example.


A: What’s wrong with you?

B: I have a headaches.

A: You should go to see a doctor.

1. A: What wrong with you?

B: I have a cough.

A: You should see a doctor.

2. A: What’s wrong with you?

B: I have sore eyes.

A: You should not read too long.

3. A: What’s wrong with you? 

B: I have a backache.

A: You should take a rest.

... ... ...

《You should see a dentist》PPT,第四部分内容:Key Phrases

1. 患感冒 have a cold

2. 发烧 have a fever

3. 咳嗽 have a cough

4. 患流感 have the flu

5. 眼睛痛 have sore eyes

6. 牙痛 have a toothache

7. 头痛 have a headache

8. 背痛 have a backache

9. 肚子痛; 腹痛 have a stomachache

10. 喉咙痛 have a sore throat

... ... ...

《You should see a dentist》PPT,第五部分内容:Key points

1.What’s wrong with you?

=what’s the matter with you?


2.You should see a dentist. 

should/shouldn’t   应该/不应该

e.g. 我们应该吃多点水果。

We should eat more fruits.


You shouldn’t smoke here.

... ... ...

《You should see a dentist》PPT,第六部分内容:Summary

1. I have a headache.

You should have a good rest.

2. I have a cold.

You should go to see a doctor.

3. I have a toothache.

You shouldn’t eat too much candy.

... ... ...

《You should see a dentist》PPT,第七部分内容:Homework

Make a dialog with your classmates like this:

A: Hi  … What’s wrong?

B: I have a …

A: I’m sorry to hear that. You should …

B: I think I will.

A: I hope …

B: Thank you.

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