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《What do they do?》课堂练习PPT


《What do they do?》课堂练习PPT 详细介绍:

《What do they do?》课堂练习PPT《What do they do?》课堂练习PPT《What do they do?》课堂练习PPT

《What do they do?》课堂练习PPT



(  ) 1.t__ __er   A.ea  B.eo   C.ao

(  ) 2.n__ r__ e    A.u; s    B.u; a    C.e; r 

(  ) 3.d__ i__er    A.r; s     B.r; v      C.u; v  

(  ) 4.work__      A.or      B.er        C.ea  

(  ) 5.b __k__      A.i; r     B.i; e       C.e; r  

(  ) 6.p__l__ceman     A.o; i     B.o; r     C.i; o 


1.教英语  ___________

2.我的老师 __________

3.喜欢写作   __________

4.在家工作 __________

5.a lot of students  __________

6.help sick people  __________

7.a factory worker  ____________

8.make sweets  __________


1.teach (名词) __________

2.work (名词)  __________

3.make (第三人称单数)  __________

4.writer (动词) __________

5.drive (名词)   __________

6.go (第三人称单数) _________

7.cold (反义词) __________

8.let us (缩写形式) __________

... ... ...

What do they do?PPT,第二部分内容:句型练习 


 Ⅰ                                            Ⅱ

( ) 1.Is she a teacher?   A.She's a writer.

( ) 2.What does your aunt do?   B.Yes, I can.

( ) 3.Where are the eggs?          C.I work in a factory.

( ) 4.Can you show the man around?    D.In the fridge.

( ) 5.How many cakes are there on the table?   E.There are five.

( ) 6.Are there any music rooms?   F.He is a worker.

( ) 7.Where do you work?            G.Yes, there are.

( ) 8.Do you like sweets?              H.No, she isn't.

( ) 9.What does he like doing?     I.Yes, I do.

( ) 10.What does her father do?  J.He likes drawing pictures.


           Ⅰ                                       Ⅱ  

(  ) 1.Are you a teacher?       A.She is a teacher.

(  ) 2.Are there any classrooms?    B.Yes, there are.

(  ) 3.Where's the reading room?   C.Yes, please.

(  ) 4.Would you like an ice cream?    D.Yes, I am.

(  ) 5.What does she do?      E.It's on the second floor.

(  ) 6.How many boys are there in your class? F.There are twenty.


1.There are many  __________ (write) here.

2.—Does he__________ (have) a nice car?

—No, he__________(do not).

3.There are three __________ (policeman).

4.My father__________(teach) English well.

5.He doesn't like  __________ (help) people. I think that's too bad.

... ... ...

What do they do?PPT,第三部分内容:阅读理解练习 


Hi! My name is Li Mei. I live in a new and big house with my parents and my brother. My father is a policeman and my mother is a teacher. They don't work at weekends. They like swimming on Saturdays. And they like cooking too. They cook nice food for my brother and me on Sundays. My brother likes playing basketball, but I don't . I like playing the piano. In the evening, I play the piano for my father and mother. And my brother plays computer games in the study. I have a good family. We love each other.

(  ) 1.Li Mei's house is_______ .

A.big   B.new   C.big and new

(  ) 2.Li Mei's mother is a _______ .

A.policeman      B.teacher       C.nurse

(  ) 3.Li Mei's father and mother don't work_______.

A.on Saturdays 

B.on Sundays 

C.on Saturdays or Sundays

(  ) 4.Li Mei's father and mother can _______ .

A.cook nice food  

B.play the piano  

C.play computer games

(  ) 5._______ likes playing the piano.

A.Li Mei  

B.Li Mei's brother  

C.Li Mei's mother

... ... ...

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