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【目录】冀教版五年级英语上册PPT课件 详细介绍:



unit1My Family 1Li Ming's Big Family 2What Do They Look Like? 3What Do They Do? 4What Do They Like to Do? 5Having Fun Together 6Maddy's Family unit2My Country and English-speaking Countries 7China 8Canada 9The U.S. 10The U.K. 11Australia 12Maddy's Family Photos unit3A Travel Plan 13Beijing Is Great! 14May I Go to Beijing? 15May I Invite Danny and Jenny? 16How Can We Go to Beijing? 17The Travel Plan 18Billy Bee unit4Jenny and Danny Come to China 19Meet Li Ming's Family 20The Spring Festival Is Coming! 21What Year Is It? 22Special Holiday in China 23What Do We Need for the Trip? 24Year Animals 期中考试期末考试
  • 《Li Ming's Big Family》My Family PPT
  • 《Li Ming's Big Family》My Family PPT课件
  • 《What Do They Look Like?》My Family PPT
  • 《What Do They Look Like?》My Family PPT课件
  • 《What Do They Do?》My Family PPT
  • 《What Do They Do?》My Family PPT课件
  • 《What Do They Do?》My Family PPT教学课件
  • 《What Do They Like to Do?》My Family PPT
  • 《What Do They Like to Do?》My Family PPT课件
  • 《What Do They Like to Do?》My Family PPT教学课件
  • 《Having Fun Together》My Family PPT
  • 《Having Fun Together》My Family PPT课件
  • 《Having Fun Together》My Family PPT教学课件
  • 《Maddy's Family》My Family PPT
  • 《Maddy's Family》My Family PPT课件
  • 《China》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT
  • 《China》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT课件
  • 《China》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT教学课件
  • 《Canada》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT
  • 《Canada》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT课件
  • 《Canada》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT教学课件
  • 《The U.S.》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT
  • 《The U.S.》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT课件
  • 《The U.S.》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT教学课件
  • 《The U.K.》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT
  • 《The U.K.》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT课件
  • 《Australia》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT
  • 《Australia》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT课件
  • 《Australia》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT教学课件
  • 《Maddy's Family Photos》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT
  • 《Maddy's Family Photos》My Country and English-speaking Countries PPT课件
  • 《Beijing Is Great!》A Travel Plan PPT
  • 《Beijing Is Great!》A Travel Plan PPT课件
  • 《May I Go to Beijing?》A Travel Plan PPT
  • 《May I Go to Beijing?》A Travel Plan PPT课件
  • 《May I Go to Beijing?》A Travel Plan PPT教学课件
  • 《May I Invite Danny and Jenny?》A Travel Plan PPT
  • 《May I Invite Danny and Jenny?》A Travel Plan PPT课件
  • 《May I Invite Danny and Jenny?》A Travel Plan PPT教学课件
  • 《How Can We Go to Beijing?》A Travel Plan PPT
  • 《How Can We Go to Beijing?》A Travel Plan PPT课件
  • 《How Can We Go to Beijing?》A Travel Plan PPT教学课件
  • 《The Travel Plan》A Travel Plan PPT
  • 《The Travel Plan》A Travel Plan PPT课件
  • 《The Travel Plan》A Travel Plan PPT教学课件
  • 《Billy Bee》A Travel Plan PPT
  • 《Billy Bee》A Travel Plan PPT课件
  • 《Meet Li Ming's Family》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT
  • 《Meet Li Ming's Family》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT课件
  • 《Meet Li Ming's Family》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT教学课件
  • 《The Spring Festival Is Coming!》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT
  • 《The Spring Festival Is Coming!》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT课件
  • 《What Year Is It?》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT
  • 《What Year Is It?》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT课件
  • 《What Year Is It?》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT教学课件
  • 《Special Holiday in China》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT
  • 《Special Holiday in China》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT课件
  • 《Special Holiday in China》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT教学课件
  • 《What Do We Need for the Trip?》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT
  • 《What Do We Need for the Trip?》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT课件
  • 《What Do We Need for the Trip?》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT教学课件
  • 《Year Animals》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT
  • 《Year Animals》Jenny and Danny Come to China PPT课件

【目录】冀教版五年级英语上册PPT课件 下载地址:


