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《What Are You Doing?》Going to Beijing PPT


《What Are You Doing?》Going to Beijing PPT 详细介绍:

《What Are You Doing?》Going to Beijing PPT《What Are You Doing?》Going to Beijing PPT《What Are You Doing?》Going to Beijing PPT《What Are You Doing?》Going to Beijing PPT

《What Are You Doing?》Going to Beijing PPT


1. What do they see on the train?

Jenny is looking out of the window on the train. 

Jenny: Look! I see many tall trees!

Jenny: There’s a red school! Some boys and girls are playing there.

Danny is not looking out of the window. What is Danny looking at?

Danny: Look! I see a banana! I see dumplings!

Mrs. Li: Danny, please don’t point.

Danny: Sorry.

... ... ...

What Are You Doing?PPT,第二部分内容:知识讲解

知识点 1

Jenny is looking out of the window on the train.



结构:主语+ be(am,is,are)+ 动词的现在分词+ 其他. be 动词要和主语在人称和数上保持一致。

例句:I am reading a book. 我正在读书。

She is singing a song. 她正在唱歌。

They are flying kites. 他们正在放风筝。

魔法记忆:主语在句首,am,is,are 跟在后,


表示动作正进行,句中now 时间定。

变为一般疑问句,把be 提到句首去。

否定句式也简单,be 后只把not 添。

look out of 从……向外看

例句:I am looking out of the door. 我正往门外看。

拓展  look out 还有另一含义:当心;小心,常放在句首用来提醒或警告,尤指有危险。

例句:Look out! The bus is coming.


on the train 在火车上

例句:Li Ming is on the train.李明在火车上。

知识点 2

Look! I see many tall trees!


look /lʊk/ v. 看;瞧[ 四会]

短语:look at 看……  look like 看起来好像……

look after 照顾  look over 检查

see /siː/ v. 看见;明白;会见 [ 四会]

短语:see a doctor 看医生 see you later 再见

同音异形词记忆法:sea 海

... ... ...

2. What are you doing?

Li Ming: Jenny, what are you doing now?

Jenny: I am drawing a picture. What are you doing?

Li Ming: I’m reading a book.

Jenny: Danny is singing a song  to your mother.

Danny: I like bananas...

Mrs. Li: Danny, please don’t sing!

... ... ...

What Are You Doing?PPT,第三部分内容:当堂检测


1. I want to __________ a doctor.

A. see            B. look           C. see at

点拨:表示“看医生”用see a doctor。

2. Look __________the blackboard.

A. out           B. at           C. of


1. Look out of the window.(改成否定句)

Don’t look out of the window.


2. The birds are singing in the tree. (改成否定句)

The birds are not singing in the tree.


3. She dances.(用now 改为现在进行时)

She is dancing now.



1. Jenny is __________ of t he window.

2. I’m ______________in the library.

3. I want ________________with the crayons.

4. Don’t _____________in the cinema.

5. What is Daming ______________?

look out 

look at 

draw a picture

sing a song 

read a book

... ... ...

What Are You Doing?PPT,第四部分内容:课堂小结


重点词汇:look, see, boy, girl, now, draw, picture 

重点短语:look out of, on the train, draw a picture, sing a song

重点句式:Jenny is looking out of the window on the train.

Look! I see many tall trees!

There’s a red school!

Some boys and girls are playing there.

Jenny, what are you doing now?

... ... ...

What Are You Doing?PPT,第五部分内容:课后作业

1  熟记本节课所学的句型、短语和单词,必须会听、说、读、写。

2  将What do they see on the train?的对话朗读流利。

3  完成配套的课后作业。

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