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【目录】鲁科版四年级英语下册PPT课件 详细介绍:



Unit 1Countries I'm from Britain Where's she from? I live in Beijing Unit 2Housework Can you clean the windows? What are you doing? What's mum doing? Unit 3Restaurant I want to eat noodles What would you like? Would you like something to drink? Unit 4Weekend Sometimes I do housework He often plays football Does he often play the violin? Unit 5Shopping Can I help you? Do you have school bags? How much is this shirt? Unit 6Travel I'm going to Mount Taishan How are you going there? What are you going to do there?
  • 《I'm from Britain》Countries PPT
  • 《I'm from Britain》Countries PPT课件
  • 《Where's she from?》Countries PPT
  • 《Where's she from?》Countries PPT课件
  • 《I live in Beijing》Countries PPT
  • 《I live in Beijing》Countries PPT课件
  • 《Can you clean the windows?》Housework PPT
  • 《Can you clean the windows?》Housework PPT课件
  • 《What are you doing?》Housework PPT
  • 《What are you doing?》Housework PPT课件
  • 《What's mum doing?》Housework PPT
  • 《What's mum doing?》Housework PPT课件
  • 《I want to eat noodles》Restaurant PPT
  • 《What would you like?》Restaurant PPT
  • 《What would you like?》Restaurant PPT课件
  • 《Would you like something to drink?》Restaurant PPT
  • 《Would you like something to drink?》Restaurant PPT课件
  • 《Sometimes I do housework》Weekend PPT
  • 《Sometimes I do housework》Weekend PPT课件
  • 《He often plays football》Weekend PPT
  • 《He often plays football》Weekend PPT课件
  • 《Does he often play the violin?》Weekend PPT
  • 《Does he often play the violin?》Weekend PPT课件
  • 《Can I help you?》Shopping PPT
  • 《Can I help you?》Shopping PPT课件
  • 《Do you have school bags?》Shopping PPT
  • 《Do you have school bags?》Shopping PPT课件
  • 《How much is this shirt?》Shopping PPT
  • 《How much is this shirt?》Shopping PPT课件
  • 《I'm going to Mount Taishan》Travel PPT
  • 《I'm going to Mount Taishan》Travel PPT课件
  • 《How are you going there?》Travel PPT
  • 《What are you going to do there?》Travel PPT
  • 《I'm from Britain》Countries MP3音频课件
  • 《Where's she from?》Countries MP3音频课件
  • 《I live in Beijing》Countries MP3音频课件
  • 《Words》Countries MP3音频课件
  • 《Can you clean the windows?》Housework MP3音频课件
  • 《What are you doing?》Housework MP3音频课件
  • 《What's mum doing?》Housework MP3音频课件
  • 《Words》Housework MP3音频课件
  • 《I want to eat noodles》Restaurant MP3音频课件
  • 《What would you like?》Restaurant MP3音频课件
  • 《Would you like something to drink?》Restaurant MP3音频课件
  • 《Words》Restaurant MP3音频课件
  • 《Sometimes I do housework》Weekend MP3音频课件
  • 《He often plays football》Weekend MP3音频课件
  • 《Does he often play the violin?》Weekend MP3音频课件
  • 《Words》Weekend MP3音频课件
  • 《Can I help you?》Shopping MP3音频课件
  • 《Do you have school bags?》Shopping MP3音频课件
  • 《How much is this shirt?》Shopping MP3音频课件
  • 《Words》Shopping MP3音频课件
  • 《I'm going to Mount Taishan》Travel MP3音频课件
  • 《How are you going there?》Travel MP3音频课件
  • 《What are you going to do there?》Travel MP3音频课件
  • 《Words》Travel MP3音频课件

【目录】鲁科版四年级英语下册PPT课件 下载地址:


