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《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT教学课件


《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT教学课件《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT教学课件

外研版九年级英语上册《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT教学课件,共28页。


Canadian  adj. 加拿大的; 加拿大人的

sick  adj. (感觉)不适的,生病的

soldier  n.  军人;士兵

treat  v.  医治;治疗

war  n. 战争

wound   n.  伤;伤口

die for    为……而死

wounded  adj. 受伤的

realise  v.  了解;意识到

Do you know who he is?

Norman Bethune 

诺尔曼 • 白求恩(1890-1939)

He was born in Canada on March 4, 1890.

He graduated in University of Toronto in 1916.

He went to Spain in 1936 and organized a mobile blood transfusion service, the first of its kind, to operate at a 1000 km front.  


Number the events about Norman Bethune in the order they happened. 

a) came to China

b) wrote books about ways of treating the sick in China

c) was born in 1890

d) invented medical tools to use outside hospitals

e) died

f) went to treat the wounded soldiers in Spain

Language point 

1. Dr Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick.   白求恩医生研究出了照料病人的新方法.

take care of= look after,意为“照顾,照料”

take good care of=look after…well“好好照料,好好照顾”

2. …so that doctors could treat the wounded more quickly.这样大夫们就能更快地救治伤员了。

so that 可以引导一个状语从句, 表目的, 意思是“为的是……;目的是……”。

3. …so he had to work very hard on his own.




(   )1. We know Norman Bethune is from ______, he is a ______.

A. Canada; Canada          

B. Canadian; Canadian

C. Canadian; Canada     

D. Canada; Canadian

(   ) 2. He learned hard ______ he could go to a good university.

A. because      B. in order to  

C. so               D. so that

(   ) 3. The ______ man should be taken good care of.

A. ill      B. sick  

C. asleep      D. afraid

(   ) 4. Finally Norman Bethune ______the wound.

A. die of      B. die from 

C. died of      D. died for


1.  The young man is old enough to look after _________(he). 

2. —Look! There is a __________ (wound) woman. Let’s help her. 


3. Please wait a moment. Mr Li is doing a(n) ___________ (operate) at the moment.

4. — The project is very good. I like it very much. 

— Thank you. Dan and I _________ (develop) it from Maria’s idea. 

5. These __________ (invent) have brought the old lots of happiness. 

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