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《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件下载


《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件下载 详细介绍:

《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件下载《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件下载

外研版九年级英语上册《There were few doctorsso he had to work very hard on his own》Heroes PPT课件下载,共16页。

Lead in

Look at the picture and say something about him.

His name was Norman Bethune.

Norman Bethune came from Canada.

He saved many lives in China. 

He gave treatments to injured soldiers. 

He travelled far away from his country to China.

Language points

1. one of the most famous heroes    最著名的英雄之一

2. die for     为……而死

3. be born in   出生于

4. take care of   照顾 (= look after)

5. so that   目的是;为的是 (= in order that引导目的状语从句)

The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mother's day.

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

Canadian   continue   himself   invention   manage  

sick   tool   war  wound 

Norman Bethune was (1)__________, but he is one of the most famous heroes in China. During the (2) ________ in Spain, he treated the wounded soldiers there. He invented special (3)___________ to use outside hospitals. His (4)___________ saved many lives. In China, he (5)___________ to treat (6)___________ and wounded soldiers. He often worked without taking a rest and did not look after (7)___________. At one point, he (8)___________ to save over one hundred lives in sixty-nine hours. During an operation, he cut his finger, and finally died of his (9)____________. He is still remembered in both China and Canada.


Retell the story about Dr Norman Bethune to your friends.

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