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《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件10


《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件10 详细介绍:

《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件10《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件10

《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件10

Stay-at-home children need a family with mother and father. 

Let’s enjoy a movie to know something about them.

Do you know “stay-at-home children” ?

How do you think about them?

Let’s read Li Wen’s story.


To learn to understand and use used to + verb to make comparisons.

To learn the new words: in person, take pride in, be proud of 

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Before you read

Skim the article on page 30. Then match the paragraphs with their main ideas.

1. Li Wen’s unhappiness began to influence his school work.

2. They had a long talk and Li Wen understood that his parents take pride of everything good that he did.

3. Li Wen’s background.

4. It’s important for parents to be there for their children.


The words in italics explain the meanings of some words from the article on page 30. 

Find the words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary.

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Read the second paragraph and then choose the right answer. 

1. Why did Li Wen became less interested in studying?

A. He is a lazy boy.   

B. He wants to play outside.

C. He felt lonely and unhappy.

D. He doesn’t like to study.

2. Which of the following is NOT Li Wen’s difficulties in school?

A. He was absent from classes. 

B. He failed his examinations.

C. He was shy. 

D. He had no friends in school.

3. His parents took a __________ and a __________ to get to Li’s school.

A. 24-hour bus, 5-hour train

B. 24-hour train, 5-hour bus

C. 24-hour train, 15-hour bus

D. 24-hour bus, 15-hour train

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1.Review the new words and expressions you’ve learned today.

2.Read the articles in Learning English.

3.Use the language in this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school.

4.Preview the new words and expressions.

5.Preview 3a-3b on page 31-32.

关键词:《I used to be afraid of the dark》教学课件,人教版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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