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《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件16


《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件16 详细介绍:

《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件16《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件16《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件16《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件16

《I used to be afraid of the dark》PPT课件16


Which things did you use to be afraid of? 

Which things are you still afraid of?

I used to be afraid of the dark. I’m still afraid of the dark.

I used to be afraid of giving a speech in public. I’m still afraid of giving a speech in public.

I used to be afraid of flying. I’m still afraid of flying. 

I used to be afraid of high places. I’m still afraid of high places.

... ... ...

2a Li Wen is a 15-year-old boy from the countryside. His parents are working in the city. Look at the title of the passage and the picture below. What problems do you think he might have?

2b Read the passage and put the sentence (A-D) in the correct places and underline the problems that Li Wen used to have  .


Using the sentence context may help you guess and learn the meanings of new words and phrases.

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2c Read the passage again and underline the problems that Li Wen used to have.

1. He became less interested in studying.

2. Sometimes he was absent from classes, and he failed his examinations. 

3. Li Wen was shy and was not able to make friends quickly in school.

2e Complete the passage with the proper forms of the words and phrases in the box.

be proud of / take pride in       

make a decision / decide     

miss / be absent from

change / influence             

look after / take care of

... ... ...

Language points

1. It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. 

(l) It is hard to believe that …是一个含有宾



► It is hard to believe that they finished so much work during such a short time.

在这么短的一段时间内他们完成了如此多的工作, 这令人难以相信。

2. When he was a little boy, he seldom caused any problems, and his family spent a lot of time together. 

seldom 作副词,意为“不常;很少”相当

于hardly ever, 其反义词为often(经常)通常置于实义动词之前,助动词、系动词或情态动词之后。

► She seldom goes out by herself.


► He is seldom late for school.


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I. 根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。

1.The cold weather c______the plants to  die last winter.  

2. He’s a good teacher, and he is very p_____ with the slower students. 

3. As students, we should pay much a_______ to our studies.

4. Don’t w____too much time on computer games, Jack. 

5. They walked because they couldn’t a_____ to take a taxi.

II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.He always talks much about ______ (he).  Most of us don’t like him.

2. My aunt used to look after me as _____ (good) as she could.

3. ______ (lucky), the museum was not destroyed by the earthquake. 

4. The young man’s _____ (die) made all the people in the town very sad. 

5. I cannot stand listening to that song any _______ (long).

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III 从括号中选择适当的词汇完成句子。

1. I think Mr Jones works very _____ (hard, hardly).

2. He used to ______ (take, spend) lots of time playing games.

3. Bill used to have _______ (many, much) time to play with his friends.

4. Wow! You have ____ (so, such) many story books.


1.It's late now. I'm afraid I_______ (不得不)go now. 

2. It's not good to complain _________ (一直).  

3. _________ (嚼口香糖) is very popular among young people.  

4. The _____ (去世) of her mother was sudden. 

5. Would you _____ (介意) my opening the window? 

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