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《They don/t sit in rows》Education PPT课件3


《They don/t sit in rows》Education PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《They don\t sit in rows》Education PPT课件3《They don\t sit in rows》Education PPT课件3《They don\t sit in rows》Education PPT课件3

《They don't sit in rows》Education PPT课件3


1. To understand the conversation with regard to “school”.

2. To compare two schools, using both; one…but the other… .

3. To learn to stress the words. 


What words can you think of to describe “school”? 

Look at the following pictures and they can help you.

Then talk about your school according to the pictures.  

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Words and expressions

/aʊəz/ 我们的 adj. ours

/ taI/ 领带 n. tie 

/rəʊ/一排;一行;一列 n.  row

/pu:l/水池;游泳池 n.  pool 

Focus on


ours    tie   row    pool


enjoy yourself   in a row   one day


We have more students here. This means more people to play with.

So ours is a bit bigger.

Which class is a bit bigger, Susie’s or Daming’s?

... ... ...

Listening and vocabulary

1.Work in pairs, and talk about your school. 

What do you like best about our school?

I like laboratory best. Because I can do physics experiments in it.

2. Listen and complete the sentences. 

1.The weather was ____________when Tony was in London.

2. Tony played football with ____________.

3. Daming is surprised to hear that Tony ____________.

4. Tony didn’t go to lessons. He was ___________.

3. Listen and read.

Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London?

Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I visited her school.

Betty: What are English schools like?

Tony: Here are a few photos. I took them myself.

Daming: Let’s have a look.

Tony: So this is Susie’s school. It’s got about 700 pupils, like most schools in England. 

Betty: How many pupils are there in a class in England?

... ... ...

Language points 

1.Did you enjoy yourself in London?


enjoy oneself 玩的开心、玩得高兴

=  have fun;

=  have a good time

We had a good time at Disneyland.  


enjoy (doing) sth.喜欢(做)某事

2. What are English schools like?


What is …like? (询问情况)……怎么样?


① 要求对方对特定事物进行描述。如:

—What was the exam like? 这次考试怎么样? 

—It was very difficult. 难极了。


— What was the weather like? 天气怎么样?

③ 用于人时,既可指人的外表,也可指人的性格、品质。如:

—What is she like? 她长得如何? 

3. Let’s have a look.


have a look “看一看”,不能接表示“看什么”的宾语;若表示“看什么” 用have a look at或look at。 

Come and have a look.


May I have a look at your new skirt? 


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1. enjoy yourself

2. sit in rows/ sit around tables

3. one day

4. I took them myself.

5. How many pupils are there in a class in England?

6. Our school is great too, and we have more students here.

Both of the people and the government are trying their best to help.

But the situation of the poor children is serious and there is still a long way to go to help all of them.

So, everyone should do something to help.

We need to devote our love to those who need help.

Helping others can bring us great joy and we should always be ready to help!

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really   in a row    the other    swimming pool

1. There is a large ____________ in their school. 

2. I have a happy family and I _______love my family.

3. Susan has got two skirts. One is yellow,_______ is blue.

4. We sat _______ at the back of the room.

Ⅱ. 选择正确的一项完成句子。

1.— Does your mother often wash clothes for you?

— No. I always wash them _____ (I /myself).

2. Your room is as big as _____ (me / mine).

3. Only ______ (few / a few) of the children can work out the problem.

4. There are three foreign students in the group and ______ (both / all) of them come from Canada.

Ⅲ. 翻译句子。

1. 那本书虽然有趣,但这本更有趣。

2. 没有人教他画画。他是自学的。

3. 将来有一天我们能去火星旅行。

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1.The missing boy was last seen ___ near the river.

A. playing     B. to be playing

C. play          D. to play 

2. They knew her very well. They had seen her___ up from childhood.   

A. grow               B. grew 

C. was growing   D. to grow   

3. Her voice ____ like my mother's.    

A. sound     B. sounds       C. looks      D. look

4. She looks ____.   

A. happy      B. to be happy     

C. happily    D. that she is happy

5. The flowers ____ fragrant(芳香).    

A. get      B. smells       C. smell      D. feels

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1. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.

2. Search for the information about the education system in Britain.

关键词:《They don't sit in rows》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《They don't sit in rows》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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