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《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT课件2


《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT课件2《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT课件2《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT课件2

《They sometimes work harder》Life now and then PPT课件2

Free talk

Talk about the photos. Say what life was like in the early 1980s.

wealthy   adj.富有的;富裕的  


fear       n.担心;害怕 

There is fear of doing sth.   害怕做某事

used to  v. aux. (用于表示过去真实或经常性的行为,特别强调现在不那样了)过去

wealth   n. 财富;财产

double   v. 使加倍;把……增加一倍;adj.(成) 双的;两个……

seldom  adv. 很少地;不常

spare    adj.空余的;备用的  

spare time   业余时间;闲暇 

speak up  大点声说  

deaf  adj. 聋的

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Listen and answer the questions.

1. What is the history homework?

Write about life in the past and life today.

2. What is the question they need to answer?

Is life today better than it was in the past?

3. What does Betty ask?

Can we write about anything, such as medicine and pollution?

4. What does Daming ask?

What about personal safety?

... ... ...

Now choose the correct answer.

1. People live longer today because ___. 

a) we know more about medicine

b) they do not work as hard as they did

c) they take more exercise

2. There is less fear of getting ill ____.

a) so people live longer

b) because people know how to deal with the ordinary diseases

c) so people work harder than before

3. People take less exercise because ____.

a) they do not need to 

b) they drive cars instead

c) they do not have cars or bikes

4. People work harder today and _____.

a) they do not live as long as they did

b) they do not usually have enough free time

c) they live a healthier life

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Language points 

1.(The homework is )Nearly finished.



4.live longer       长寿

5.That’s true.  说的没错

6.know more (much 的比较级)about 了解更多

7. there’s less (little 的比较级)fear of getting ill不怎么担心(害怕)生病

8. deal with (处理;对付) the ordinary diseases(平常的疾病)

9. people don’t take as much exercise as they used to

as + 原级 + as    和…..一样….

take exercise 锻炼 (exercise 不可数)

used to do sth.    过去常常做…


10. I suppose (认为 =think ) that 

11. they walk or use their bike less (little比较级,修饰 walk,use bike 这两件事)


... ... ...

Complete the questions with the words or expression in the box.

deaf   doubled   fear   spare   used to   wealth

1. What kinds of things do you _____?

2. What do you do in your ______ time?

3. What can someone not do if they are _____?

4. If something is _______, is it more or less?

5. Do you think people ______ take more exercise than they do today?

6. Do you think people have more ______ today than they used to?

Now work in pairs. Ask and answer.

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Pronunciation and speaking

Read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.

Some people think life in the past was simpler and healthier than today. More wealth sometimes means less health.    

When the number of cars is doubled, the pollution is also doubled, or even worse.

Now listen and check. 

6. Read the paragraph in Activity 5 aloud.

7. Work in pairs. Answer the question and give your reasons.

— Is life better today than in the past?

— Yes, it is. I think it’s because…/ No, it isn’t. I think…

Now say what is better or worse in:

education   environment   health

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language points

Remember to speak up! She’s a bit 

deaf now. 记得说话大点儿声,她现在有点儿耳背了。

speak up表示“大点儿声说”。

e.g. Speak up, please. I can’t hear you. 



adjectives and adverbs

1. 形容词的句法功能



e.g. Did you see that old photograph that I  found? It’s a lovely picture.


They were very nice. 


People’s lives seem busy now. 


We must keep our classroom clean and tidy.


形容词作定语一般放在名词之前,但如果修饰的是不定代词something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody等,就要放在后面。

e.g. Is there anything special in the paper today? 


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2. 副词的句法功能

副词一般用作状语,修饰动词、形容  词、副词及全句,表示程度、方式等。

e.g. They speak highly of you.


We were very lucky to find you here.


The spring passed too quickly.


Hopefully, we’ll meet again on Friday.


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1) 比较级+than,表示“比…更…”

e.g. Health is more important than wealth.


He got up earlier than I did this morning.


2) 比较级+ and+比较级,表示“越来越……”。

e.g. The story gets more and more 

exciting. 故事变得越来越激动人心。

Our lives are getting better and better.


3) The+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越……,越……”

e.g. The more time you spend on it, the greater progress you will make.

The more he talked, the more excited he grew. 他越说越激动。

同级比较一般采用as...as…句型,否定句可以用not so / as…表示。

e.g. He is as tall as his father.


I get up not so early as you.


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1. He landed at the same place once again in the long jump. I don’t think he can jump a little ________.  (2014恩施) 

A. far       B. farther      C. farthest

2. —What do you think of her  teaching English? (2014咸宁) 

— Great! No one teaches _____ in our school. 

A. good  B. worse C. better D. best

3. Of the two sisters, Lucy is _____ one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet. (2014阜康)

A. a younger   B. a youngest      

C. the younger  D. the youngest 

4. Could you please speak a little more _____? I can’t follow you.(2014通辽)

A. quietly      B. quickly    

C. slowly       D. loudly

5. Air pollution has become _______than ever before. We must do something to stop it. (2014上海) 

A. serious   B. more serious  

C. most serious D. the most serious

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Write a passage, what is better today and what is worse today.

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