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《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12


《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12 详细介绍:

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12

课 前 预 习


1. 王子 n. _______ 2.夫妻;两人 n._______    

3. 金子;金币n.______ 4. 欺骗 v. ______

5. 内衣; n _________ 6. 丝绸;n________

7. 皇帝;n __________ 8. 愚蠢的;adj. ______

9. 没有人;pron;n ________ 


11. 微笑; n_______

12. 结婚;v_________


6. sound stupid ___________________

7. cheat the emperor______________

8. make sth for sb _________________

9. be about ___________

10. once upon a time ________

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1. It is s______ of you to think five and ten makes fifty. 

2. Little Tom only wear his u_______ at home in such hot days.

3. Never c________ in an exam.

4. Shen Nong was a great ________(皇帝). 

5. Is there anything ________ (特别的) in today’s newspaper? 


6. 多滑稽的一个故事啊!


7. 国王想要人们给他制作特殊的衣服。

The king ____ people _________ for him. 

8. 没有人想说些蠢话。

________ sound stupid.

9. 作为朋友,我们不能互相欺骗。

As friends, we can’t _______. 

10. 他们正试图得到更多的金子和丝绸。

They were __________.  

... ... ...

课 后 作 业


(   ) 1. You’d better ___ in every exam. 

A. to cheat    B. cheat

C. not to cheat   D. not cheat

(   ) 2. The story of Monkey King _____ exciting. 

is sound  B. sounds

C. was sound D. is sounded       

(   ) 3. The movie is ___ a lady who lived an unhappy life.  

A. of    B. in   C. about  D. at

(   ) 4. Mr. Green ____ know the way to the theater. 

A. maybe   B. may be

C. may    D. must be   

(   ) 5. There are ____ for you. But just keep calm. Don’t be proud. 

A. good news    B. bad news

C. good newses  D. bad newses

... ... ...


1. 这丝绸摸起来很柔软。

2. 不要这么愚蠢,他们只是在欺骗你。

3. 除非早点起床, 否则我们将赶不上第一班公车。

4. 他们自己将几个大西瓜搬到桌子上。

5. 你给你女儿做漂亮衣服了吗?


Mrs. Black was a famous musician several years ago. She   1   music at a school and her students did   2  in their lessons. They liked her very much. Now the old woman stays at home with her husband. The old man   3   his wife well and she is never worried about   4  . And Mrs. Black is very happy. But she has a problem. She finds that her memory is failing (减弱). Sometimes she   5   what she did or she will do.

It often gets her in trouble. Her husband asked her to see a famous   6   who lives in the capital. He bought two   7   for London and told her to put them into her handbag while she was playing the piano.

The next morning, when they got to the airport just   8   to catch the flight, Mrs. Black said,“I wish we’d brought the   9   with us.”“Don’t be a fool, dear!”said Mr. Black.“We’re not going to hold a concert, but to see a doctor.”“I know,” she said,“  10   I’ve left the tickets on it!”

(   ) 1. A. learned B. studied

          C. taught D. loved

(   ) 2. A. bad B. badly

          C. good D. well

(   ) 3. A. looks up B. looks for

          C. looks after D. looks through

(   ) 4. A. something  B. nothing

          C. anything  D. everything

(   ) 5. A. forgets B. remembers

          C. knows        D. decides

(   ) 6. A. teacher B. pianist

          C. doctor  D. musician

(   ) 7. A. scenes   B. planes

          C. agreements  D. tickets

(   ) 8. A. at birth   B. on time

          C. at first   D. in control

(   ) 9. A. pianoB. dress

          C. handbagD. stone

(   ) 10. A. and  B. so

          C. but   D. although

... ... ...

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