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《Finding your way》GrammarPPT


《Finding your way》GrammarPPT 详细介绍:

《Finding your way》GrammarPPT《Finding your way》GrammarPPT《Finding your way》GrammarPPT《Finding your way》GrammarPPT

《Finding your way》GrammarPPT


Complete Millie and Daniel’s conversation with a, an or the.

Millie: Let’s go to the Panda House first.

Daniel: Here we are. I can see (1)________panda there. It’s lying on the grass.  

Millie: How cute! I really love pandas. Look! There’s(2)_______baby panda. It’s so small.

Daniel: Yes. (3)_______  baby panda doesn’t look like its mother.

Millie: Now let’s go to see some lions.

Daniel: Are (4)_______  lions in (5)_______ open area?

Millie: No, they aren’t. They’re in (6)_______ very big cage.

Daniel: I see.

(Half an hour later)

Daniel: Millie, here’s(7)_______ bridge. What can you see across it?

Millie: Oh, (8)_______ elephant is standing over there.

Daniel: Let’s go across (9)_______ bridge and see (10)_______ elephant.  

... ... ...

《Finding your way》PPT,第二部分内容:不定冠词a 、an


如: An elephant is much heavier than a horse.

His father is a taxi driver.


I have read the books twice, but I want to read a third time.

3、a / an 的区别

a 用在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前,an 用在元音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前。


a usual boy ; a useful book ; a university ; a one –leg dog 

an honest boy ; an hour ; an honor 

an “a , e , i , o , f, h , l , m , n , r , s , x ”

... ... ...

《Finding your way》PPT,第三部分内容:定冠词 the的用法 

1. 第二次提到

This is an apple. The apple is mine.

2. 特指   The boy in red is my brother. 

3. 用在独一无二的名词前

the sun 太阳 / the moon 月亮 / the earth地球

4. 用在最高级前

the youngest / the most beautiful 

5. 用在序数词前  

the first / the second / the third / the fourth

6. 用在西洋乐器前

play the piano / the guitar 

7. The +姓的复数 表示一家人

The Smiths  / the  Greens  smith 一家  /  格林一家

8. 用在方位名词前 或习惯用法

in the south  / on the right / in the day / in the end

... ... ...

《Finding your way》PPT,第四部分内容:Summary

1. in    在……里面

2. on   在……表面

3. beside / next to  在……旁边

4. behind  在……后面

5. in front of  在……前面

6. over  在…….上面

7. under  在……下面

8. above  在……上面

9. below  在……下面

10. between  在两者之间

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