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《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionA PPT


《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionA PPT 详细介绍:

《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》SectionA PPT《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》SectionA PPT《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》SectionA PPT《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》SectionA PPT

《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》SectionA PPT


a sheep

four sheep

a goose

two geese

a mouse

five mice

Learn Together

The dogs are small.

The cats are smaller.

The mice are the smallest.

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《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》PPT,第二部分内容:Listen to 1a and check the words you hear.

_____ fresher  _____ busier    _____ bluer

_____ taller     _____ bigger    _____ clearer

_____ nicer     _____ quieter   _____ noisier

Now, look at the pictures and say something about the countryside and the city.

The air is fresh. 

The sky is blue.

The trees are green.

The river is clear. 

It’s quiet in the countryside.

The air is dirty.

The river is dirty.

The roads are wide.

The traffic is busy.

The buildings are tall.

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《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》PPT,第三部分内容:下列形容词比较级和最高级变化有什么规律?

单音节及部分双音节形容词比较级(- er)和最高级(- est)的规则变化。

1. 一般在词尾直接加er/est: tall—taller—tallest

2. 以e 结尾的单词去e加er/est: wide—wider—widest

3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,把y改成i, 再加 er/est : busy—busier—busiest

4. 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er/est :    

big—bigger—biggest , (fat, thin, red, hot)

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《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》PPT,第四部分内容:Pair work

Look at the picture and choose the correct word for each animal. 

Then make conversations with the adjectives in 2b.

horse       pig

cow         cat 

sheep      mouse

hen         goose 

duck        dog 


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《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》PPT,第四部分内容:summary

1. The comparative and   

superlative degrees of adjective.  


2. Talking about animals and describing nature.

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《Which do you like better,plants or animals?》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework

Draw a picture of your hometown and write a passage about it, using adjectives and their comparative and superlative degrees.

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