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《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件


《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件

《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件


Ⅰ. 短语互译

1. 钓鱼      ________________

2. 那时      ________________

3. 生火      ________________

4. play the drums  ________________

5. hunt for food     ________________

Ⅱ. 句型展示

1. 很久以前人们钓鱼吗?

Did people go fishing ____ _____ _____ _____? 

2. 他们在户外花费大量的时间。

They ______ a lot of time _______. 

3. 经过一天努力工作后,人们一起休息和玩耍。

______ ____ _____ ____ of work, people rested and played together. 

4. 一些人围着火跳舞。

Some people danced ________ ________ ________ . 

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第二部分内容:Warm-up

Free Talk

Do you know the life of the people long ago?

Can you tell something about it?


How was life for the First Nations people a long time ago? Listen and answer the questions.

1).What did they eat?

They always went fishing and hunting for food.

2).Were they healthy?

Yes. They were very healthy. 

3). Did they go fishing?

Yes, they did.

4). What did they do after work?

They rested and played together. 

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第三部分内容:Pair work

Work in pairs. Life was different a long time ago. 

Talk about the differences between life then and life now.


A: Today we buy food at eh supermarket. But there no supermarkets a long time ago. Where did people get food?

B: People went fishing and hunting for food. They always ate good, natural food. Now people eat a lot of fast food.

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第四部分内容:Language points

1. They spent a lot of time outdoors. 


【点拨】spend动词,表示“花费”,主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:spend time (in) doing sth. 意为“花费……时间做某事”;或spend money on sth. “花费……金钱在某物”。

例如:  I spend half an hour doing exercise every day. 我每天花费半个小时做运动。

2. Our people always went fishing and hunting for food. 


【点拨】hunt动词,意为“打猎,搜索”,常构成短语go hunting, 表示“去打猎”, hunt for sth. 意为“搜索某物”和look for同义。

例如:They are hunting for foxes. 他们正在搜索狐狸。

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第五部分内容:Exercise

Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. It’s sunny today. Mr. White is________ (fish) at the lake. 

2. Many people ________ (come) to the island(岛) a long time ago. 

3. Bill spends three hours ________ (watch) TV on weekends. 

4. I like to eat ________ (nature) food like fish. 

5. I can’t wait ________ (go) on a school trip. 

Ⅱ. 单项填空

1. The new house  _________ them a lot of money. 

A. spends      B. takes

C. costs          D. pays

2. The teacher often told Mike _________ too much time playing computer games. 

A. not to spend            B. to not spend 

C. not to cost               D. not take

3. —When did your father go to Shanghai? 

—Three days _________ . 

A. ago          B. before      C. soon    D. later

4. —Is Tom playing _________ drums now? 

—No. He is playing _________ football. 

 A. the; the    B. /; the      C. /; /     D. the; /

5. _________ that time, my father always walked to school. 

A. In      B. At       C. From      D. On

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第六部分内容:Homework


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