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《Danny/s Plant》Plant a Plant PPT免费下载


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《Danny\s Plant》Plant a Plant PPT免费下载《Danny\s Plant》Plant a Plant PPT免费下载《Danny\s Plant》Plant a Plant PPT免费下载《Danny\s Plant》Plant a Plant PPT免费下载

《Danny's Plant》Plant a Plant PPT免费下载

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

1. Be able to use the words and phrases: agriculture, seed, pot, sprout, stem, bud, carefully, yard, learn about, plenty of, at the top of, a flower bud, open up, look after,be going to do

2. Be able to know what is agriculture

3. Be able to talk about what kind of plants you want to plant with some useful expressions

4. Be able to learn some key sentences:

·Agriculture is all about growing plants and raising animals for food.

·Now, something new is growing at the top of the stem.

·It will open up and turn into a flower.

·Later, the flower will become a head, and the head will turn into seeds.

·I'm going to look after my plant carefully.

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Danny's PlantPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in


What is agriculture?

Agriculture is the science or practice of farming, including the growing of crops and raising animals for food and other products.

Words and expressions

agriculture  n. 农业;农学

seed  n. 种子

pot  n. 盆;壶;瓶

sprout  v. 发芽

stem  n. 茎;干

bud  n. 芽;苞;花蕾  v.发芽

carefully  adv.仔细地;小心翼翼地

yard  n. 院子;场地

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Danny's PlantPPT,第三部分内容:Presentation

Let's do it

1.Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. What did Danny and his classmates do to  learn more about plants?

They planted some seeds.

2. What happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant?

It sprouted a few days later. Soon, it grew a stem and a leaf.

3. Why will Danny put the pot in the yard?

Because his plant can get enough sunshine in the yard.

4. What does Danny want to send to Li Ming?

He wants to send some seeds to Li Ming.

2.Complete the sentences and label the plant.

officer   gun   praise   catch    react

A. A bud opens up and becomes a _______.

B. A ______ grows under the ground and gets water from the soil.

C. A______ is the long thin part of a plant.

D. ________ are parts of a plant. They grow from a stem, from a branch or directly from the root.

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Danny's PlantPPT,第四部分内容:Language points

1.Agriculture is all about growing plants and raising animals for food. 

raise vt. 提高; 筹集; 养育, 种植, 饲养

They raised the money to buy the house and two hundred acres of land.


He raises 2,000 acres of wheat and hay. 


2. To learn more about plants, we planted some seeds.  

to learn more about plants 是动词不定式短语,



例:To pass the exam,I study hard.

=I study hard to pass the exam.


② that指代前文提到的同类但不是同一个事物,也可替代不可数名词。它表示特指,相当于 “the+名词”。

例:The weather in Shanghai is hotter than that in Beijing.上海的天气比北京热。

③ it用于指代前文提到过的事物,即同类同物。除此之外,it也可指代时间、天气、气候、距离等。例:Mum bought me a present and I liked it very much.妈妈给我买了一份礼物,我非常喜欢。

4. I gave it plenty of water,and it sprouted a few days later. 

give v.给。常用短语:give sb. sth./ give sth. to sb. 给某人某物。give后常接双宾语,其中sb.为间接宾语,sth.为直接宾语。当sth.是代词时,

只能用give sth.to sb.结构。

例:The sun gives us light and warmth.

=The sun gives light and warmth to us.


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Danny's PlantPPT,第五部分内容:Grammar






(2)常用的表示其他意义的前缀有:a­(多构成表语形容词)、 en­ (加在某些名词或形容词前构成及物动词)、 inter­ (互相), re­ (再、又)等。例词:alone单独的;asleep 睡着的;encourage 鼓励;international 国际的;review 复习。








转化是在不改变拼写形式的基础上,由一种词性转化为另一种词性,主要有:动词转化为名词、形容词转化为副词、动词或名词等。例词:water(n.水)→ water(v.浇水);plant(v.种植)→plant(n.植物);fast(adj.快的)→fast(adv.快地);dry (adj.干的) →dry(v.使变干);green(adj.绿色的)→green(n.绿色)。

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Danny's PlantPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1. The new policy promoted the development of a__________. 

2. The old man likes r_______ rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses. 

3. The seed I planted s_______ yesterday.

4. In the fairy tale the frog t_____ _____ a prince. 

5. Something ____ wrong with his computer.  

6. I have ___________________ (一些趣事) to tell you.

7. I have some clothes _________ (洗).

8. Mr Wang is confident they'll be able to _______ ______ (照顾) themselves.

9. After all they are _____________ (在…顶端) their industry.

10. I remember________(exact) what Audrey Hepburn looked like in her first film.

11. Without your support,I am ______(able) to complete this documentary on time.

12. Many countries in the world have reached an _________(agree) to reduce air pollution.

13. To be a good citizen,one should draw a clear________ (divide) line between good and bad.


1. It is ________ for him to get to school on time, because it is raining ________.

A.hard;hardly       B.hardly;hard


2. I can't hear you ________.Please speak a little louder.

A.clearly        B.lovely

C.widely        D.   friendly

3. Agriculture is about _____ plants and raising animals for food.

A. growing     B. grow         

C. grows        D. to grow  

4. ______ _______ have taken place in her hometown.

A. Something important            

B. Important something

C. Anything important

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Danny's PlantPPT,第七部分内容:Summary

Learnt about a diary.

Learnt some useful words and expressions to talk about how a plant grows.

Learnt to use indefinite pronouns.

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Danny's PlantPPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Review Lesson 12. 

2. Write a passage about what kind of plant you want to grow. 

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