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《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT课件下载


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《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT课件下载《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT课件下载

外研版八年级英语上册《Nothing is more exciting than playing tennis》Sports PPT课件下载,共54页。

Teaching aims

1. To learn the vocabulary in unit 1.

2. To understand the comparison and conversation about sports.

3. To talk about the sports that one likes and give reasons, using comparatives.

4. To develop the interest of all kinds of sports.

Listen and read

D: Hey, Tony. Come and watch the football match on TV.

T: OK. What’s the score? 

D: Spain scored a minute ago. 

T: Wow! That’s fast! 

D: That’s right. Last week the match on TV was  so boring because no one scored at all. So this week’s match is already more exciting.     

Language points

Come and watch the football match on TV! 


Come and watch 来看

come and do sth =come to do sth. 

Come and look at the picture. =

Come to look at the picture.过来看看这幅画。

Listen and fill in the blanks.

1.Football is more__________than baseball.

2.Baseball is________.

3.Table tennis is a________ game than tennis.

4.Swimming is ________.

Listen and notice how the speaker links the words.

Spain scored a minute ago.

Last week the match on TV was so boring because no one scored at all.

Oh, look at that.


1. plenty of…

2. not at all

3. What’s the matte with you?

4. Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.

5. Which sport do you like, swimming or running?

I like swimming. It’s more relaxing than running.


1. Recite the articles in Learning English.

2. Complete the exercise in the workbook.

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