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《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第2课时)


《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第2课时) 详细介绍:

《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第2课时)《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第2课时)

人教版九年级英语下册《It must belong to Carla》PPT习题课件(第2课时),共23页。


Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子

1. Look, the hunter is following a ________(狼). 

2. The scientist always stays for hours in the _____________(实验室) every day. 

3. Don't make so much ________(噪声).  Other students are reading. 

4. I think he must be a _____________(警察).  He caught a thief in the shop just now. 

5. I can't find my  ________(外衣).  Have you seen it anywhere?

Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. There isn't  _____________(somebody) in the room now. 

2. Accidents like this _____________ (happen) all the time. 

3. I felt very _____________(sleep) in class because I stayed up last night. 

4. The boss of the company was  _____________(interview) by the local newspaper last week. 

5. ___________(wolf) are good at teamwork. 

Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子

1. 在考试的时候,这些孩子感到不安。

These children  ________  ________ when they had exams. 

2. 当你选择某个东西的时候,你就不可以再选择其他任何东西。

When you choose something, you can't choose  ____________  ________. 

3. 如今的孩子喜欢做些不同寻常的事情。

The kids ________ ________ like to do something unusual. 



(  )1. —Where are you going this month?

—We ________ go to Xiamen, but we're not sure. 

A. needn't  B. must C. might   D. mustn't

(  )2. —Could you go to the bookshop with me? I want to buy The Grass House by Cao Wenxuan. 

—Sorry, I ________.  I've promised my mom to go home right after school. 

A. can't   B. couldn't    C. needn't    D. mustn't

(  )3. (2017·黄石)—Janet is sleeping at home. 

—She  ________ be.  I went for a walk with her just now. 

A. can't   B. mustn't   C. needn't  D. won't

(  )4. (2017·六盘水)The dictionary at the Lost and Found  ________ be Tim's, because his name is on its cover. 

A. can   B. mustn't    C. can't     D. must

(  )5. (2017·内江)—I don't know  ________.  Can you give me some advice?

—How about Mo Yan's? He is famous now. 

A. whose novel I should buy B. whose novel should I buy

C. where I can buy the novel D. where can I buy the novel

... ... ...

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